So Doug, Why A History Blog and What Do YOU Know About History?
Hello all!!!
Let’s get right to it - I LOVE history and especially American history. My love of history was awakened by the greatest teacher I had at any level Jerry Maxwell (may he rest in peace). I took all 4 of Jerry’s history classes at North Farmington High School from 1985-1988 - Civil War, Old West, World Power, and World War II. I still have all of my notes from those classes and I still use them for reference to this day!
Background photo by yours truly from atop Lookout Mountain, TN
So Doug, Why A History Blog and What Do YOU Know About History?
When I post items from Doug’s Music Snobbery on LinkedIn for example I usually preface them by pointing out that music is indeed a legit side hustle for me since I sing in a band called Vintage Playboy and it’s a passion of mine. I include my music blog here on M10 Social because I’ve expanded M10 Social to be not just my digital marketing brand, but my personal brand overall - part of “M10” is ME - I wore #10 on the football team at Michigan so the brand is indeed personal. History is also a passion of mine going back to when I was a kid that helps define who I am and it absolutely has a place in my personal brand.
But my history “credentials” don’t end back in high school… Here’s a list of my history background:
30 credits of history at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
I’ve been to 16 U.S. President’s homes
I’ve visited 58 Civil War Battlefields, 4 Revolutionary War Battlefields, 2 War of 1812 Battlefields, 2 19th century American forts, 1 French & Indian War Battlefield, and 1 Northwest Indian War Battlefield
I’ve been to numerous historical sites including: Ford’s Theater, George Washington’s winter HQ in Morristown, NJ, Federal Hall in NYC, BOTH Washington Monuments, the Virginia State Capitol Building, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Dealey Plaza in Dallas, most of the museums and monuments in D.C., site of Meriwether Lewis’s death on the Natchez Trace, Belle Boyd House, Gamble Plantation, Stonewall Jackson’s winter headquarters in Winchester, his home in Lexington, the house he died in at Guinea Station, Washington & Lee University, VMI, Lincoln Memorial U, Trinity Church & St. Paul’s Chapel in NYC, The Flight 93 Memorial, Colonial Williamsburg, Andersonville, Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, Country Platter Restaurant (formerly Lillie’s Cafe) in Cleveland, MS where RFK & MLK ate together, the Indianapolis War Memorial & Museum - the list goes on and on…
I’ve read biographies on all the U.S. Presidents up through Andrew Johnson so far… as well as plenty of other history books…
I even put together and taught a Civil War class at our studio here in Metro Detroit!
This was the flyer for my class!
I also think there’s a need - I have a perspective and a style I don’t see too much of online. Generally speaking you can find info on just about any historical place you want to visit somewhere online and you can choose from thousands of books that have been properly researched by real historians. I don’t pretend to replace those avenues by any stretch, but I still have plenty to offer, and maybe I’ll learn a thing or two from the people who check out this blog. I take a bunch of photos when I travel and I learn a lot - and for whom? Just me and my family who might be with me? I have a voice and a platform - I should surely share these things should I not?
When I take a road trip I go hard, and I’ll include any helpful tips I come across right down to the food, the music, the accommodations, the logistics, the people - whatever helps!
Hope you come along for the ride.
M10 Social is owned by Doug Cohen in West Bloomfield, MI and provides social media training and digital marketing services from the Frameable Faces Photography studio Doug owns with his wife Ally. He can be reached there at tel:248-790-7317, by mobile at tel:248-346-4121 or via email at You can follow Doug’s band Vintage Playboy at their Facebook page here.
Tune in to the 📷Doug&Ally📷Morning Show T-F between 8:30 & 11 EST UTC-4 on Heckle by following them on Heckle or Twitter at @frameablefaces! Also check out the Doug & Ally Morning Show podcast at and everywhere you listen to podcasts! Doug also tweets at @dougcohen10 and @M10Social!