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Doug's Music Snobbery

Come along to discover tunes, talk music and read my strong opinions.

King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard Is Taking Over My Life - Send Help


I am not really prepared for this.

I’m not prepared to address this band in a proper blog post assessing them fully because I’m still in discovery mode and I’m not really qualified, but I do have a King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard problem and I can’t pretend I don’t. I remember when Smashing Pumpkins pretty much took over my life in 1993 when I was living in Dayton, Ohio. That was pretty intense but that was with like only 3 albums of material, so while I listened to them (what seemed like) every day I still had time for all the other music I loved.

King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard Is Taking Over My Life.

With these guys I’m neglecting a LOT of music because KGATLW is all I want to listen to. My balance has been disturbed. I mean, look - they’ve forced themselves onto the SNOBBERY without the structure that would normally be required for a blog post about a band here. When I discovered them in 2020 they had already released 15 albums since 2012. They’ve released EIGHT MORE SINCE THEN and the next one is finished and out in weeks. It’s 2023.

They trap you. And yes they’re that great. They’ve got everything - huge personalities in the band, amazing visuals of every form from videos to show posters to incredible merch, tight musical chops and plenty of improvisational skills, amazing songs, concepts a mile deep, amazing live “bootlegs” that they release with regularity (they’re available in Apple Music under the band name “Bootleg Gizzard” or for free right from their website), and the ability to completely inhabit MULTIPLE genres like no band has ever even thought of doing. And NO band can WHOO like this band. No band has ever tried.

I’m prepared to put them alongside the greatest bands of all time. They make everyone else seem obsolete somehow.

Here’s a history of selected screenshots (mostly tweets) tracking my descent into the KGATLW abyss starting with the graphic I made and posted in the King Gizz subreddit recently that sort of led to this post:

Now you may think I’m kind of half joking here and that this is just a humor piece (or one hell of a shitpost in Reddit terms). And maybe I kind of am half joking. But I’m not about how good this band is. I believe they are the best in the world in terms of a current band at their absolute peak with a huge future ahead. They are the current standard, and you should get on board.

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M10 Social is owned by Doug Cohen in West Bloomfield, MI and provides social media training and digital marketing services from the Frameable Faces Photography studio Doug owns with his wife Ally.  He can be reached there at tel:248-790-7317, by mobile at tel:248-346-4121 or via email at You can follow Doug’s band Vintage Playboy at their Facebook page here.   


Tune in to the 📷Doug&Ally📷Morning Show T-F between 8:30 & 11 EST UTC-4 on Heckle by following them on Heckle or Twitter at @frameablefaces! Also check out the Doug & Ally Morning Show podcast at and everywhere you listen to podcasts! Doug also tweets at @dougcohen10 and @M10Social!