The Cure gets the full album ranking at Doug’s Music Snobbery! This is at least the third time Doug has written about The Cure here - a band that has always meant a lot to him, and he goes long on this one with full reviews of all the albums!
Read MoreYes it’s time. LED ZEPPELIN finally gets the full Doug’s Music Snobbery album ranking treatment! The one you’ve been waiting for (even if you didn’t know it). Doug gets the Led out - read on.
Read MoreDoug dives into the varied, sometimes wacky, always inventive, musical genius world of Beck! A tough body of work to rank or categorize, read on to tap into one of the best musical journeys in popular music!
Read MoreDoug ranks the Pearl Jam albums! A band that means a lot to many - if you’re old school get out your flannel and add your own ranking in the comments if you like! Originally published on 4/21/22 but updated on 11/20/24 to include Dark Matter!
Read MoreDoug loves everything Pumpkins - especially the Smashing band one. So let’s dive into the albums and rank ‘em! There will likely be disagreement here with other Pumpkins fans, but……too bad - remember this IS a snobbery. Hehe…. Doug explains his decisions below! Enjoy! Originally published 5/31/22 but updated 2/28/24 and again 11/16/24 to include subsequent albums.
Read MoreDoug takes on The Rolling Stones catalogue - a daunting task that took a little time but he proved to be up to it!!! If he does say so himself that is.... hehe. Let's do this!
Read MoreLet’s do this…. it’s time for the Doug’s Music Snobbery SLAYER album ranking! What took so long…? Hehe…
Read MoreDoug loves Sade. Like, who doesn’t? I mean you can see his bitmoji swooning in the graphic! That voice! That vibe! That band! Those songs! So let’s “rank” the 6 Sade albums and feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments!
Read MoreQueens of the Stone Age (QOTSA) is one of Doug’s fave bands - a wonderfully weird sorta-stoner-metal band that rose out of the ashes of Kyuss and Doug ranks their albums here!
Read MoreDoug loves R.E.M. Doug just doesn’t always love the way too many people seem to love R.E.M. Like, this IS a snobbery after all… hehe. Here’s your long overdue R.E.M. album ranking - the ONLY one you will ever need!
Read MoreDoug grew up listening to Rick James and it’s about time he gave some love to Slick Rick - the somewhat flawed but still king of punk funk!
Read MoreLet’s rank all the INXS studio albums! One of Doug’s favorite bands of all time - his ranking might not be the order you expect… If you never got into INXS you made a mistake.
Read MoreDoug has been an Echo and the Bunnymen fan since around 1986 and decided it was time to give them their own post here on Doug’s Music Snobbery! Let’s rank all their albums 1-11! Leave your comments below - let’s discuss!
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