Substack is growing like crazy but is it sustainable? And is that even really the question……? Hmmm…. Doug gives his thoughts along with some actionable tips and insights on this platform that has added 2 million paid subscribers in the last year!
Read MoreDoug has enough grievances piled up for another rant… hehe…. It’s Rant #8 - but it’s kind of 3/4 of a rant. Taking on Instagram and “Becoming a Digital Marketer”
Read MoreChat GPT is a powerful AI tool - yes. But can it replace real human experience when it comes to blogging for example, and does it possess the self-awareness to answer that question honestly? Doug Cohen wanted to know.
Read MoreLots of people and brands using bots in social media - to reply, to automate…. Doug thinks bots suck for at least three reasons…
Read MoreAre there really a bunch of lazy marketers out there that don’t get it? Marketers who still operate under the assumption that organic reach is “dead” like Doug is always saying? Read on… and see Doug take a couple to task.
Read MoreDoug Cohen gives a tip and a larger lesson about how to post content - in this case on Twitter using a cool little tool called the Twitter Card Validator!
Read MoreDoug Cohen of M10 Social makes the case that a good social media strategy for your brand can work much like a good offensive baseball strategy! Read on and see if you agree!
Read MoreThere is one skill that can help you in the digital age no matter what your career may be - it’s up to you to hone it and use it, and it’s never too late.
Read MoreJust like great players make a great coach look great, a great brand can help make a great marketer look great. And if a brand stinks even a great digital marketer won’t save it…
Read MoreDoug Cohen learns a valuable lesson that all digital marketers need to know by spending a couple hours at a Five Guys Burgers and Fries restaurant.
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