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Posts tagged Michigan
4 Reasons I’m Giving You Permission To Automate Your Instagram Stories to Meta

Doug doesn’t like to automate content from one social media platform to another. So why is he giving you permission to do it with stories from Instagram to Meta? Well there’s 4 reasons…

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5 Bullpoop-Free Reasons You Should Be Email Marketing

Doug is a fan of email marketing and caught some inspiration to write this from a recent article on Doug adds his own spin to the discussion with 5 BULLPOOP-free reasons you should dooooo it! Hehe…

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5 Reasons Brands CANNOT Approach Social Media Like TV or Radio

Doug breaks it DOWN on this one. Let’s go in depth about the difference between traditional media marketing and social media - it will all make sense after you read this….

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This Might Seem Obvious, But Don't Forget To Support Your Supporters

Sometimes common sense ain’t so common, or sometimes you might just overlook the basics. This might seem obvious but Doug says you have to support your supporters - read on to see specifically what he’s talking about…

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The 10 Worst Features On Social Media Platforms That Make You Want To Break Stuff

Oooh Doug is ready to rant - about the “10 Worst Features On Social Media Platforms That Make You Want To Break Stuff!” - he’s guessing people can add plenty more in the comments… lol!

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How To Keep Imposter Syndrome From Getting In Your Way

Do you know what imposter syndrome is? Do you ever get it even just a little? Doug Cohen dives into it with a couple of examples illustrating how to keep it from getting in your way!

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Doug Cohen Says Use LinkedIn As YOU - Not As A Brand Profile So Much

Doug (in his infinite wisdom) says use LinkedIn as YOU - not as a company / brand profile. Why does he say this? Well you’ll just have to read on to see…

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Small Biz Has Truly Learned From This Pandemic: Buy or Sell?

Doug discusses how the pandemic has posed some unique challenges for small businesses and the lessons that were served up in the process!

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Client Wins Are YOUR Wins - The TEAM approach: A Positive Rant Inspired By A Friend

Being a part of the team is the way to be especially in your approach to your digital marketing clients. Doug Cohen rants on this with a little inspiration just from a simple LinkedIn post by a friend.

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Why You Might Be Blowing It On Facebook

You might be using Facebook incorrectly. Here’s why, and this is aimed mainly at individual users but it can also apply to business pages.

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The Top 5 Digital Marketing Articles I Didn't Write For This Blog

Doug has been blogging in many places over the years, so he’s gathered up the TOP 5 best digital marketing articles he’s written on LinkedIn and all here in one place for your reference!

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A Detroit Tale Of Coneys & Pizza That Proves Why Collaboration Is Great For Your Biz

One of the better stories Doug will ever tell about two businesses and why their relationship with their customers AND their competitors is so important, with a powerful lesson for other business owners!

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Here's Why You Don't Need An ROI To Know Social Media Works

Do you NEED to know what the ROI is on Social Media for your brand to KNOW it’s working? Doug Cohen says no… you don’t. Ooooh - this sounds a little bit against the grain! Read on and find out why he would post such blasphemy…

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More Lazy Marketers Who Say Organic Reach is "Dead" on Facebook...

Are there really a bunch of lazy marketers out there that don’t get it? Marketers who still operate under the assumption that organic reach is “dead” like Doug is always saying? Read on… and see Doug take a couple to task.

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15 Surprising Ways The Twitter Card Validator is More Refreshing than New Socks?

Doug Cohen gives a tip and a larger lesson about how to post content - in this case on Twitter using a cool little tool called the Twitter Card Validator!

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What Baseball Can Teach Us About Social Media Strategy

Doug Cohen of M10 Social makes the case that a good social media strategy for your brand can work much like a good offensive baseball strategy! Read on and see if you agree!

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How Flipping Burgers At Five Guys Today Has Made Me A Better Marketer

Doug Cohen learns a valuable lesson that all digital marketers need to know by spending a couple hours at a Five Guys Burgers and Fries restaurant.

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