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Doug's Music Snobbery

Come along to discover tunes, talk music and read my strong opinions.

Posts tagged Sublime
Doug's List Of The 50 Best Songs Under Two Minutes

Is less really more? Sometimes maybe…. Doug lists the best songs that are less than 2 minutes long - there aren’t a ton of them. Are there any missing in your opinion? Add them in the comments!

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50 Songs From Each Of My 50 Years On Earth

Doug picks ONE and ONLY one song in his iTunes from each of the last 50 years that he’s been on Earth! How many do you know? Comment and give your number!

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50 Twenty Second Song Snippets For You To Wash Your Hands To During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Doug does his part to make you smile and give you some variety for music to wash your hands to during the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC recommends that you wash your hands for at LEAST 20 seconds, so this list should help you stay on track! Please enjoy, and please be safe! We’re all in this together.

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